Apex Score Unveils Cutting-Edge Product for Major Oil Conglomerate Demo


By Marcus Papin


Apex is at the forefront of customer intelligence, utilizing advanced behavioral science and artificial intelligence to decode the motivations behind customer decisions.

The Apex platform transforms complex customer feedback into actionable insights, enabling quicker, smarter decision-making that drives superior results and organizational success.

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Apex faced several significant challenges with their app, which hindered their ability to effectively engage clients and streamline internal processes:

Complex Customer Insights: The app failed to present customer insights in a way that was easily understandable for clients. This complexity necessitated continuous communication between the Apex team and their clients to clarify the results, consuming valuable time and resources.

Unprofessional Look and Poor Usability: The app lacked a professional appearance and was not user-friendly. During sales calls, the Apex team often avoided demonstrating the app because they felt it did not accurately represent the company's capabilities and quality. This avoidance likely impacted their ability to close deals and build client confidence.

Outdated Code and Technologies: The app's codebase was in poor condition and relied on outdated technologies, making it challenging to hire developers willing to work on it. Consequently, the app received few updates, limiting its functionality and further contributing to the negative user experience.


To address the challenges Apex faced with their app, we set out with a clear goal: build a professional, modern application in time for a crucial presentation to a large potential client. Here’s how we achieved that:

Modern Technology Stack: We decided to implement the new application using a modern stack, including React.js, Next.js 14, and TailwindCSS. This combination ensured that the app would be both powerful and visually appealing, meeting current industry standards.

Efficient Development Process: Our development process began with a thorough review of the provided designs in Figma. We determined that the chosen stack would be the best fit for the job, ensuring both functionality and a sleek user interface. The implementation of these designs was structured around a series of deadlines to keep the project on track.

Quality Assurance and Deployment: Throughout the development process, I took responsibility for QA testing, deployments, and maintaining high code quality. This ensured that the application was robust, bug-free, and ready for the client demo.

Timely Completion: Despite the tight timeline, we successfully completed the application in time for the client demo. The new app not only looked professional but also provided a user-friendly experience, significantly improving the client's ability to understand and interact with the customer insights.

By leveraging a modern tech stack and adhering to a disciplined development process, we transformed the app into a powerful tool that accurately represented Apex’s capabilities and impressed the potential client.


The revamped application yielded impressive results, significantly benefiting Apex and positioning them for future growth:

Timely Delivery and Successful Demo: The application was completed on schedule and demoed to one of the five largest oil companies in Canada. This successful presentation highlighted Apex's capabilities and opened doors for new business opportunities.

Streamlined Documentation and Onboarding: The updated application features improved documentation and a more efficient onboarding process, enabling developers to ramp up 50% faster. This efficiency has reduced training time and increased overall productivity.

Cost Reduction and Easier Talent Acquisition: By transitioning to modern tools, the cost of delivering new features has decreased. The new framework, React, is used by 42.62% of developers compared to the old framework, Vue.js, which is used by 18.82%​​. This switch has made it easier for Apex to find new talent, ensuring a steady stream of skilled developers to support ongoing projects.

Enhanced Client Presentations and Increased Business: The professional look and improved user experience of the new application have given the Apex team confidence to use it in client presentations, replacing Google Slides. This change saves an average of one hour per presentation and demonstrates higher value to clients by providing access to a self-serve platform. As a result, the team has seen an increase in business from these presentations.

Improved User Engagement: The enhanced user experience led to customers spending more time within the application, indicating higher satisfaction and engagement.

The Future:

Apex is poised for an exciting future as a leader in the AI customer experience space. They currently collaborate with some of the largest brands in North America, including Deloitte, Questrade, and Subway. The new product will enable them to expand their client base and deliver even greater value to their clients.

With a strong foundation and a modern, user-friendly application, Apex is well-equipped to continue its growth and success in the competitive AI customer experience market.

Interested in Transforming Your Digital Experience?

Are you looking to upgrade your platform’s user interface or enhance your customer interaction capabilities? We specialize in leveraging modern technologies to create seamless, dynamic, and user-friendly digital environments.

Connect with us to discuss how we can bring your project to life with the same expertise and dedication we applied to our successful front-end rewrite. Reach out today to schedule a consultation and start your journey towards a smarter, more responsive digital future.

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Marcus is an absolutely phenomenal programmer with a passion and dedication towards business as well. He proved to be an extremely valuable asset to Stay with an unmatched reliability for taking on complicated architectural tasks.
Marcus is a versatile developer eager and ready to take on any challenge.

Aaron Taylor
Aaron Taylor
Director of IT at Stay Inc